Abigail says ....

Writing in my opinion is
an avenue of communication which enables someone to record their thoughts, feelings and
opinions on a given topic. These thoughts are recorded by using pen and paper, text to speech
or by typing. I believe that writing should be important to everyone in society. To get
through school life as an infant, some form of writing should be done; moving up ladder in
finding a job some form of writing is required. After all, while living in a world of chaos and
strife it is mandated that students portray the ability to express their opinions through writing
with respect, knowing that their thought and voices are heard.
Nasha says....

Writing to me, is a process of accumulating ideas and thoughts.
Writing helps me express myself exactly
the way I want to. I sometimes find speaking is hard for me, therefore I write
to convey ideas quickly but eloquently. Writing has the way of concealing the
true motive behind its words. When words are written, they make sentences and
then they make up paragraphs. When my pen meets my paper the two are connected
like glue. My thought paves the way for ideas to flow like a river emptying my
mind. Writing keeps me actively engaged as I construct meaning in each sentence
as the goal is to fulfill the intentions of my readers, leaving them with a feeling
of satisfaction. There are many reasons why I pick up my pen and paper; It is
because something interesting came to mind, through vicarious experiences, the
power of observing and through mind blowing and stimulating conversations with
friends and family that prompts me to write.
Noelita says ......

Writing is not just putting words on paper but using text to effectively
communicate thoughts, feelings and ideas whether by writing or typing. Though
its foundation lies on acquiring knowledge of the alphabet, spelling, basic
grammar and punctuation, there are many other skills that children need to
learn to become competent writers. As spoken words may provoke shyness,
withdrawal of expression and may demotivate an introvert person, writing allows
thoughts to be expressed in its full capacity, with no hindrances. Writing is a
powerful lifelong tool and ss individuals engage in writing, their ability to
communicate with clarity, expressing their feelings, thoughts and share
understanding of knowledge acquired is developed as well as writing conventions
which allow readers to clearly understand ones piece without having to stop to
try to figure out what was actually intended. However, if modelling,
demonstrations and illustrations are absent from instruction students will not
be become good writers and will not be motivated to write. If writing
instruction puts a bad taste in its learners’ mouth, they will avoid it. In
addition to that they will not develop the necessary skills needed for writing,
therefore not reaching their full potential as writers. Like a first impression
that is everlasting