Saturday, November 23, 2019

What Does Writing Mean To Me ?

Abigail says ....

Writing in my opinion is an avenue of communication which enables someone to record their thoughts, feelings and opinions on a given topic. These thoughts are recorded by using pen and paper, text to speech or by typing. I believe that writing should be important to everyone in society. To get through school life as an infant, some form of writing should be done; moving up ladder in finding a job some form of writing is required. After all, while living in a world of chaos and strife it is mandated that students portray the ability to express their opinions through writing with respect, knowing that their thought and voices are heard.

Nasha says....

Writing to me, is a process of accumulating ideas and thoughts.  Writing helps me express myself exactly the way I want to. I sometimes find speaking is hard for me, therefore I write to convey ideas quickly but eloquently. Writing has the way of concealing the true motive behind its words. When words are written, they make sentences and then they make up paragraphs. When my pen meets my paper the two are connected like glue. My thought paves the way for ideas to flow like a river emptying my mind. Writing keeps me actively engaged as I construct meaning in each sentence as the goal is to fulfill the intentions of my readers, leaving them with a feeling of satisfaction. There are many reasons why I pick up my pen and paper; It is because something interesting came to mind, through vicarious experiences, the power of observing and through mind blowing and stimulating conversations with friends and family that prompts me to write.

 Noelita says ......

Writing is not just putting words on paper but using text to effectively communicate thoughts, feelings and ideas whether by writing or typing. Though its foundation lies on acquiring knowledge of the alphabet, spelling, basic grammar and punctuation, there are many other skills that children need to learn to become competent writers. As spoken words may provoke shyness, withdrawal of expression and may demotivate an introvert person, writing allows thoughts to be expressed in its full capacity, with no hindrances. Writing is a powerful lifelong tool and ss individuals engage in writing, their ability to communicate with clarity, expressing their feelings, thoughts and share understanding of knowledge acquired is developed as well as writing conventions which allow readers to clearly understand ones piece without having to stop to try to figure out what was actually intended. However, if modelling, demonstrations and illustrations are absent from instruction students will not be become good writers and will not be motivated to write. If writing instruction puts a bad taste in its learners’ mouth, they will avoid it. In addition to that they will not develop the necessary skills needed for writing, therefore not reaching their full potential as writers. Like a first impression that is everlasting


  1. writing is a means of expresing one's selfand sharing thoughts and ideas. peple write for various reasons which includes,to share information, entertain others, its theraputical and for fun.

    1. Writing is a means of expresing one's selfand sharing thoughts and ideas. peple write for various reasons which includes,to share information, entertain others, its theraputical and for fun

  2. Well put together! I love how each of your perspectives on writing were encapsulated in this entry. You have great ideologies on writing which convinces me that you will be superb teachers of writing

    Views by: Ylet Jn.Baptiste

  3. Good one colleagues! Through this piece I can see that going back to the classroom we will find it mandatory to engage our students in deliberate writing in order to freely express themselves and share their opinions as they interact with events which occur both inside and out of the classroom.
    Written by: Abigail Bascombe

  4. Good Job Team! I believe that the perception each of you have on writing is very interesting and in depth. Though many people may not like writing, your individual views on writing may encourage them to have a change of mind. I believe that writing is the main component to all subject areas and should be taken seriously.

    To conclude, we as teachers have to produce a generation of good writers on our return to the classroom because people in society are not as nice as they used to be a few years ago. Ridiculing other people has become a trend now. Once again, an edifying post!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I am impressed with how the personal thoughts of each of you are well placed together and published. Writing is more powerful and influential than we think. I personally used to underestimate the value of writing until lately when I realized writing is not just a physical movement of the fingers. Writing has much to do with cognitive processes because before placing fingers to a pen, there must be some form of thinking. Additionally, while writing, thoughts are being further formulated. So, I now see writing more as a cognitive process as opposed to only a physical process. There are much going on behind the scenes when it comes to writing. Emotions, feelings and desires are experienced before they are placed on paper.

    Written by: Ryan Bicar.

  7. The fact that each of you wrote your own ideas of what writing means to you says that writing serves a different prupose for everyone. When we write we convey our ideas, thoughts and feelings. Like Noelita said before anyone can pen a piece to convey these thoughts and feelings, there are important skills that must be acquired to become competent writers. Writing is not just about spelling words and putting them together. When we write our ideas must flow in a coherent manner where comprehension is not hindered.
    In order to foster excellent writing among our students we must teach them the necessary skills. Skills such as spelling, punctuation, creation of ideas organization and sentence structure must be taught. As suggested by experts of writing, modelling must be the main strategy utilized to teach writing skills. This was very evident as we were taught to write in our Literacy courses through modelling. This resulted in the creation of more competent writers and teachers of writing.

  8. The varying perspectives on the meaning of writing paints a clear picture of how a thousand people can perform the same action yet have different motives for these actions. As evidenced in your views on what writing means to each of you, the importance of learning to write and writing to learn can never be overstated. Writing goes beyond the basic knowledge that students acquire when they start school, and as teachers of writing the onus is on us to equip students with the necessary strategies and skills that will propel them to becoming more proficient writers, not only for pleasure but also for growth and development as independent learners.

  9. Interesting perspectives on writing. I must commend you on the organization of the pieces. I really enjoy writing as it permits me to convey my feelings, thoughts emotions and idea without the use of spoken words. As teachers of writing let's encourage and provide students with opportunities to write.

  10. good writers make good readers and this is essential in becoming a functional citizen. The purpose of writing is to inform, to entertain, to explain, or to persuade an intended audience. This promotes critical thinking , expression,organisation and comprehension.

    Brittney Duplessis

  11. Very nicely organized and written. I agree with Nasha's statement that writing allows her to express herself freely as it does the same for me. I often write in my personal journal and writing is my escape to express what I would otherwise not feel comfortable saying to people. Like she also mentioned, when my pen hits the paper, my thoughts pour out instantaneously. Again, good job team.
