Sunday, December 15, 2019

Nasha's Podcast

The Day I was Freed 

Narrative Piece

Date created 10/12/19
Location : Dennery Waterfall
Written by Nasha John
Performed by : Nasha John
Produced by : Benus Mathurin
Audience : Public
Purpose : To tell the public how I was freed

This entry is  created in the form of a podcast . This podcast was specifically created for younger students to  learn the characteristics or features of birds however it is opened to the public as this will not only be viewed or listened by younger students .

I hope you enjoy my piece !


  1. Good job Nasha! Well performed and put together.

  2. Interesting piece Nasha! The features of birds can be pulled out of this podcast, although "I" in the piece was not referred to as "the bird". This is a very good podcast and an enjoyable piece of writing.

    Jina Jonas

  3. Wonderful piece and well put together. The norm for students when writing narratives, is to use humans as the characters. However, your piece can show students that animals can not only be characters, but they can be the main characters in stories. I enjoyed this. Great work Ms. John.

    Shaquille Aldonza

  4. Nice work. Keep it up. I loved your tone in the introduction.

  5. Great work Nasha. The added sounds made the story more alive. This was a well put together story and podcast.

  6. Nasha, the sounds were perfect! They brought you piece alive from the paper! Very well put together. Great intonation and clear expressions.

    Ryan Bicar.

  7. I enjoyed viewing your podcast the added sounds gave your piece additional flavor.You did a magnificent job Nasha putting it together.

  8. I thoroughly enjoyed this podcast! I kept my eyes closed throughout this piece and allowed your words to paint a picture in my mind's eye. Truly captivating. Well done!

  9. Great Tone through out this piece. You kept me interest right through. The sounds added life to the audio. Well done.

  10. Great job Nasha! The sound effects conplimented your piece. I enjoyed this piece and I am sure the students will.

  11. Very Good Piece Nasha! I am proud of you. What can I say....this is talent at its best. The introductory image, sounds etc was well put together which captured my interest effortlessly. Very attractive and appropriate for visual learners as well.

    Excellent Job!

  12. Great Job Nash. The sound and background song set the perfect mood for this narrative. My imagination ran with your words Bravoo!!!!!!!!


  13. Although pictures were not used to display the content, the sounds which were emanated helped to create mental images. Further, students who are unfamiliar with bird sounds will get an opportunity to experience the flapping sounds of the wings, the pecking sounds etc.
    Well done

    Soria Cornibert

  14. I enjoyed your piece Nasha. I am certainly sure that your students will enjoy it too. The sound effects really made it come alive. Excellent job.

  15. Superbly done Nasha! Perfect voice modulation and sound which helped enliven your brilliant piece.

    views by: Ylet Jn.Baptiste

  16. Thank you Nasha for sharing. I particularly liked your introduction. Embedding some images or clips to show the related story events would have enhanced the overall presentation.
