Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Noelita's Podcast

Road Safety

Road safety should be practiced by everyone which is the reason for including it in the grade one Social Studies curriculum. The earlier students are exposed to road safety habits, the earlier they can practice them and ensure that they are cautious when usinv roads. For this podcast I will be sharing with you a poem i wrote on road safety. This poem was included in my writing portfolio and is a sample of one of the pieces that I have written to use during instruction.


  1. Good job Noel! perfect way to teach students about road safety. Whilst this text's primary purpose is to teach students about road safety, it can also serve as an effective tool to teach rhyming words.

    Views by: Ylet Jn.Baptiste

  2. Very impressive and edifying poem Noelita. Short, sweet and child friendly. Bravo!

  3. Way to go Noelita! Very informative piece. Your choice of music as well as the visual aids chosen will surely keep students' attention. This poem is also short enough for students to commit to memory and will definitely help them when crossing the road.

  4. Excellent Poem Noelita! The music in the background will definitely capture the students' attention and stimulate their interest in the lesson in which you may want to use the poem. I liked the fact that it was sweet and straight to the point and the message was clear.

    Very Good!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A good podcast Noelita. I like the images used.

    The following can be worked on:
    . 1. the volume - you sounded a bit distant
    2.music - a more appropriate song which focused on road safety for pedestrians, not drivers, could have been used.
