Monday, September 23, 2019

The Struggle is Real

Struggle always seems to be at your doorstep whether invited or just intruding and no matter how much you try to run away from it, it always comes in disguise. As a teacher this seems accurate when it comes to the teaching of writing. The best lesson plans or fanciest lessons will not guarantee that students acquire the skills and 
knowledge that is expected if there are barriers.

Students struggle with writing as much as teachers struggle with teaching writing . Writing seems challenging to some students because they lack the experiences to write about, they have limited vocabulary and they cannot communicate or express because of their inability to do it in standard English. Others find writing difficult not because of their exceptionalities or lack of interest but because their preferred style of learning is absent from lessons and the methods and strategies used just don’t get the job done right.

While some of the challenges that students face points fingers to educators, educators themselves face challenges when trying to get students to become proficient writers. Some of these challenges include having to teach diverse classes where students are at different developmental levels,have different or no experiences to write about and some are not interested or dislike writing who in some cases, use more slang than standard english. Added to the list of challenges that make teaching writing difficult are parents who do not make their children’s education a priority.


  1. This is so true...if everybody plays their part our students will not struggle as much and the job of the teacher will be a smoother task however there are strategies that the teacher can use to help meet the needs of every student in the class. It will not be an easy task but with much passion to wanting to see every child reach their maximum potential the possibilities are endless...

  2. Looking on my experience of teaching students to write, the task was very daunting as an inexperienced teacher. Students had limited experiences to facilitate creativity and imagination. Furthermore, I did not have the requisite skills to be a teacher of writing and as a result, it showed in my presentation of instruction. If many teachers would become well endowed with the amount of information that are available on strategies to teach the writing process effectively and parents would provide students with a variety of experiences, this would positively impact students' and teachers' writing.

  3. I quite agree with your views. The complexities in writing are attributed to a myriad of issues such as learner's cognitive needs and abilities, experiences and teachers' instructional practices, however, these can be ameliorated if the teacher deploys the most effective pedagogical practices.

    Written by Ylet Jn.Baptiste

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I echo your sentiments. Inadequate real-world experiences, language barriers, lack of parental involvement, developmental delays and the use of ineffective strategies by the teachers all make learning to write complicated. The onus, therefore, lies on us teachers to use several techniques such as field trips, differentiation and flexible grouping to help ameliorate some of the challenges in writing so that students' potential can be maximized.

    Written by: Michaela Canchion

  6. In retrospect, I believe that my teachers did not use the most effective strategies to teach writing and to motivate despite the challenges that I encountered in writing and so I developed a hatred for writing. I've come to the realization that our efforts, attitudes, approaches and interest as teachers is reflected in our students' learning. To further compound the issue, our students' are all coming to the classroom with varying developmental needs, learning impediments, socioeconomic backgrounds and language situations. Hence, we must be proactive in our approaches as teachers to utilize the most effective techniques to integrate these students in the classroom and accommodate their demands.

    Written by :Tamara Armstrong

  7. The problems associated with the learning and teaching of writing includes poor vocabulary and grammar on th epart of students. Vocabulary is an important aspect of writing,lack of vocabulary can cause writers to have difficult in expressing themselves. Grammar on the other hand, is an eddective language skill which good writers possess. Like vocabulary, grammar allows the reader to understand the ideas being shared.

    Teachers may findit difficult to motivate students due to students' background language which influences their quality of writing. This can be frustrating for teachers of writing. additionally, teachers may also face challenges with grammar and vocabulary. If a teacher is not skilled at what he or she teaches, the students will be at a disadvantage.

    There is a solution to every problem. I suggest that teachers provide a rich language experience to students. To broaden the vocabulary of students, the use of "a word a day" can alliviate this issue. The teacher must model proper grammar and use strategies which will motivate the students to engage in writing.
