Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Noelita's Podcast

Road Safety

Road safety should be practiced by everyone which is the reason for including it in the grade one Social Studies curriculum. The earlier students are exposed to road safety habits, the earlier they can practice them and ensure that they are cautious when usinv roads. For this podcast I will be sharing with you a poem i wrote on road safety. This poem was included in my writing portfolio and is a sample of one of the pieces that I have written to use during instruction.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Abigail's Podcast

STARBURST!!! Come take a dive with me as I tickle your taste buds in telling you about my favorite candy.  This description will give you the perfect view of what this candy is and the attributes which makes it the perfect candy around.  This piece falls under the descriptive writing genre.  As you listen, pay close attention to the adjectives used and use your five senses to see the perfect picture. ENJOY!!!

Written by: Abigail Bascombe

Performed by: Abigail Bascombe


Sunday, December 15, 2019

Nasha's Podcast

The Day I was Freed 

Narrative Piece

Date created 10/12/19
Location : Dennery Waterfall
Written by Nasha John
Performed by : Nasha John
Produced by : Benus Mathurin
Audience : Public
Purpose : To tell the public how I was freed

This entry is  created in the form of a podcast . This podcast was specifically created for younger students to  learn the characteristics or features of birds however it is opened to the public as this will not only be viewed or listened by younger students .

I hope you enjoy my piece !

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Microteaching Through Poetry

Microteaching, a technique to teach,
So our teaching potential we could all reach.
From a teacher to a third grader,
So teaching we could master.

We sat there and got into character
And filled the session with laughter.
As we went through the writing process,
And our peers tried doing their best.

First was brainstorming then drafting,
2 sessions filled with modelling.
We also saw powerful questioning,
Looks like they've mastered that thing

Constructive criticism was shared after,
So their teaching of writing could be done better.
We all learned something from the feedback given,
As our teaching skills we hope to sharpen.

With the fun there was much to learn,
As some old habits, we swore to burn,
From Micorteaching, a technique to teach,
So our teaching potential we could all reach.

Hope you enjoy !!!!

Press Play 


Saturday, November 23, 2019

What Does Writing Mean To Me ?

Abigail says ....

Writing in my opinion is an avenue of communication which enables someone to record their thoughts, feelings and opinions on a given topic. These thoughts are recorded by using pen and paper, text to speech or by typing. I believe that writing should be important to everyone in society. To get through school life as an infant, some form of writing should be done; moving up ladder in finding a job some form of writing is required. After all, while living in a world of chaos and strife it is mandated that students portray the ability to express their opinions through writing with respect, knowing that their thought and voices are heard.

Nasha says....

Writing to me, is a process of accumulating ideas and thoughts.  Writing helps me express myself exactly the way I want to. I sometimes find speaking is hard for me, therefore I write to convey ideas quickly but eloquently. Writing has the way of concealing the true motive behind its words. When words are written, they make sentences and then they make up paragraphs. When my pen meets my paper the two are connected like glue. My thought paves the way for ideas to flow like a river emptying my mind. Writing keeps me actively engaged as I construct meaning in each sentence as the goal is to fulfill the intentions of my readers, leaving them with a feeling of satisfaction. There are many reasons why I pick up my pen and paper; It is because something interesting came to mind, through vicarious experiences, the power of observing and through mind blowing and stimulating conversations with friends and family that prompts me to write.

 Noelita says ......

Writing is not just putting words on paper but using text to effectively communicate thoughts, feelings and ideas whether by writing or typing. Though its foundation lies on acquiring knowledge of the alphabet, spelling, basic grammar and punctuation, there are many other skills that children need to learn to become competent writers. As spoken words may provoke shyness, withdrawal of expression and may demotivate an introvert person, writing allows thoughts to be expressed in its full capacity, with no hindrances. Writing is a powerful lifelong tool and ss individuals engage in writing, their ability to communicate with clarity, expressing their feelings, thoughts and share understanding of knowledge acquired is developed as well as writing conventions which allow readers to clearly understand ones piece without having to stop to try to figure out what was actually intended. However, if modelling, demonstrations and illustrations are absent from instruction students will not be become good writers and will not be motivated to write. If writing instruction puts a bad taste in its learners’ mouth, they will avoid it. In addition to that they will not develop the necessary skills needed for writing, therefore not reaching their full potential as writers. Like a first impression that is everlasting

Saturday, November 2, 2019


Blogs range from the personal, to social, and they can focus on one narrow subject or a whole range of subjects.  It can be considered as an avenue used to express  one’s self or share facts while learning new things and improve on one’s writing.

Many blogs focus on a particular topic, such as sports or modern technology. Some are more diverse, presenting links to all types of other sites. And others are more like personal journals, presenting the daily life and thoughts of the blogger.

The content of a blog consists of post or entries that the blogger or author writes. Some blogs have multiple authors, each writing his/her own entry and some done together as a group.

Today in class we focused on blogging. Most of us created blogs already on blogspog however our knowledge on blogging was limited. Therefore the lecturer walked us through the features of blogs and created an apetite for blogging that got us craving more on the topic. The excitement grew when we created limericks and posted them on our blogs. We added videos and photos to enhance our posts and commented on our colleagues blogs. It was a great class in deed that ended with thoughts on a frass day, a fat cow and a man named Mr Link.

Let us blog away becauseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee……………………………when you blog you ⇣

Friday, October 11, 2019

At the edge of your seat.

A writer is not someone who just simply put words on paper. Writing is an art. Like the art pieces at an art gallery that provokes oos and aaahhhs when viewed. When writing a piece, your aim should be to get your audience at the edge of their seats. Most times we forget that and deprive readers of the excitement that is supposed to be received from reading our pieces of writing.  Today, in class I felt as though writing brought out the artistic side of me. All thanks to my lecturer. Not only did she model writing, but she encouraged my classmates and I to write and develop a love for writing. I can’t say that this was an easy task, but I am certain that I am much closer to becoming a super writer.

Throughout the past few classes we have been focusing on narrative writing. The lecturer taught us the elements of narrative writing, the writing process, had us develop a story map together and in pairs and we also wrote a class piece together. These topics were done with much clarity and excitement as we wore our grade 3 thinking caps and went into character really well.  Pretending to be grade 3 students helped us highlight some difficulties that students may have when writing narrative pieces and ways in which we can guide them which includes teaching them acronyms such as FAST and STEAL that they can use when writing. In addition to that it helped build on our confidence in writing our own pieces that we can use in the classroom during instruction in various subjects or when modelling narrative writing.

The highlight of class was hearing the stories that my classmates and I prepared and shared.  I liked the sharing exercises because it was interesting hearing my peer’s stories and it helped with receiving feedback which is good for improvement. My group wrote a story entitled “When Johnny broke my heart”.  The title not only had my classmates anticipating the plot of the story but also my lecturer. This increased my eagerness to share. They assumed that the story would be about love.  The twist in the story, having nothing to do with love or relationship brought laughter and applause.  Although it was in the drafting stage it felt like a job well done. And like I was a good writer I was able to get my listeners at the edge of their seats.

Hope you enjoy ! 
Written By : Tench, Abby & Nasha